March 3, 2009

sad eyes

You may remember when I was in desperate need of some eye tips...well I back again for more. I thought I had met my match- I followed the advice of my deary Miss B. And it proved deccent on the eyes but not love at first sight. So- I moved on and purchased this over the weekend and the lady at the counter swore by it {of course she did, right}. One of my friends also uses it. So, I was pumped. No more racoon eyes for me! WRONG. And it's supposed to be waterproof! Seriously, what is wrong with me?
Okay- the issue is at the end of the day I have black smudge on my eyelids {I'm assuming it is because my eyelashes are long and are rubbing against my eyelid}.

Some suggestions- pretty, pretty pleeeeease!


Shar said...

I have been using two-faced Lash injection for the last 6 months and I LOVE it! It's awesome.

You can get it at Sephora.

paisley peacock said...

Alright Shar- I'm all over it. Heading to Sephora this weekend! Let ya know what I think...thanks so much!!