March 23, 2008

a joyous easter

Happy Easter to you all! I thought I would take a moment to share a few of our Easter moments...Miss Hannah and Mr. Jackson have been so cute enjoying their Easter so far. They decided to check if their baskets were delivered around 6:30 a.m.. It is a good thing that bunny was smart and delivered baskets and hid eggs right around 6:20 a.m. {talk about a close call}!
Check out the baskets filled with all kinds of goodies...
How sweet are these two?!
And here I am with my two favorite little people!
Hope you all had extra special visits from the Easter bunny & are enjoying all your Easter festivities!


Andrea Singarella said...

Happy (belated) Easter to you! Your children are beautiful, and so are you! So happy you've got a blog!
xo andrea

paisley peacock said...

Thanks so much Andrea! Hope you and your littles enjoyed the holiday. So glad you stopped by...did you notice a few of your goodies in my pics?!!