March 21, 2008

the perfect ending

It is finally Friday....I felt like this day would never come! It has been one of those weeks around here, so when I woke up this morning, I was thrilled to finish the work week. And what exactly would be the perfect ending to a not-so-perfect week you ask yourself??Ok, ok... I am being completely sarcastic, and no this is not actually MY car. I did, however, hit the biggest pothole this morning that blew my tire instantly! This picture is only what I imagined the pothole looked like. I had a super nice guy at work change my tire for me {in the freezing cold}....only to leave work with my spare tire flat! Ugh, I guess my week could have been worse, but it also could have been a heck of a lot better. Here's to a good, pothole-free week ahead!

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