March 13, 2009

playing catch up

At work, at home {le blog}- life in general- I am playing catch up. This week just seems like a complete blur to me. Here are some highlights from my week that my brain could conjure up at the moment...

{been helping this friend out who is immobile and wheel chair bound now for quite some time}

{got these little lovelies from the super cool Erica- loooove them}

AND this is what happened to several of the cars in the parking lot where I park earlier this week. Lovely, right? Fortunately, this is not my car, but about 15 of my co-workers cars looked like this or much worse with all of their belongings inside stolen. Just horrible.
thank goodness for Miss made my week!
{eye candy/little lovelies}


{Erica} said...

oh man!!! Sounds like a crazy week! Glad my little lovelies could brighten it a bit :)

Ashley said...

I cant believe you posted that picture of me! 5 weeks later and I'm still as miserable...