March 8, 2008

snow, snow, go away!

If you happen to live in northeast Ohio, then you know we are getting way too much snow here! If you don't live here...I am extremely jealous and please do not tell me about the lovely weather you are having! I personally despise the snow- absolutely hate it. My children, however, would sell their souls to be outside in the snow {I sometimes wonder if they are actually my children}. The snow has been coming down since Friday afternoon and has not stopped yet!

I thought I would share some pics of our Cleveland winter wonderland...

Yes, I put my children to work here at a young age! Mr. Jackson and Miss Hannah are busy shoveling the foot of snow from the driveway...

The first pic was taken at 7 a.m. and the bottom pic was taken after lunch! You can barely see my broken washer that is waiting for this weeks garbage...

And here is Roo-Roo begging at the door to get out of the cold! She looks like a little deer when she is out in the snow!

Hope you all are staying warm. Please send sunshine and warm weather my way!


Anonymous said...

They are sooo cute! Sorry, bu the snow looks like fun from my desk chaire:)

have a lovely said...

oh the Diller littles look so happy in the can tell they were bred here and not in the south! This southern belle is NOT as cheerful about the latest winter wonderland!!!

paisley peacock said...

Miss B.- if you would like I can send some your way ;)
Ash- I am not a southern belle, but I am right there with ya!