March 11, 2008

starting 'em young

So, I caught Miss Hannah {which I will remind you is 7 years old!} checking out the Tiffany & Co. catalogue. Yes, you read correctly...The Tiffany & Co. catalogue! I of course laughed out loud, however, her father was not as impressed! I only wish I could have captured his facial expression. It was beyond priceless!
She even picked out a few items that she was a gorgeous diamond pendant that only cost $7,500! I guess her father should be concerned, she definitely has her mother's taste.


have a lovely said...

oh goodness! Stop her now!!!! :) I knew we were in trouble when she sounds just like US as we are walking down the isles at TJ M*xx!

Anonymous said...

Ah, the joy of raising a fashionista! Lucky you!

paisley peacock said...

Miss B.- you are right...
a fashionista indeed! lucky?? I am not so sure :)