May 17, 2009


For those of you who may have been wondering if I fell off a bridge {or jumped}...I have not! Sadly, my computer has. It has been insane torture. Torture.
Back in the end of April, my computer picked up a really cool virus {thanks for the protection antivirus software!} so my girl was completely wiped out. Which meant I went without the ol' laptop for two weeks while she was hospitalized and brought back to life. Then I was allowed to see her was like bringing your newborn home from hospital! So exciting- I held her in my lap in the passenger seat of the car {okay-not quite like when I brought my kids home from the hospital- but you get it!}
Now you think everything is back to the way it was- surfing the net, buying from my preferred sites, checking in on my daily favs....wrong! Ever since I got my girl back she has been acting strange- kicking me off the internet, freezing up, not allowing accessing to certain sites. I am sure you feel my frustration.
I am hoping to clear this matter up this week.

Keep your fingers crossed!