February 24, 2009

hold my gold

This is the conversation that took place between me and my eight-year-old today:

M{Me} /H {Hannah}

Lil Jackson told his sister that he did not want to wear a necklace. And the rest of the conversation is gold...
M: Well, that's okay Jackson, boys don't wear necklaces.
H: Umm, yeah they do Mommy. It's not called a necklace though. It's called bling bling.
M: Oh. Bling Bling? Okay. What's that?
H: Geez Mommy {Imagine lots of sighing and eye rolling with this} It's like real sparkly and shiny and big. And boys wear it.
M: Oh I see. Does Daddy wear bling bling?
H: No. He is too old. Only young boys wear bling bling. Your not understanding. You're too old.
M: Oh. Well how about my ring {holding up my wedding ring} is this bling bling?
H: Uh, no. It's too small.


1 comment:

Clarke said...

HILARIOUS! hannah did always have the best quotes! i'm catching up on the last few posts... congrats on surviving the sleepover!